• Question: can i subconsciously pick what i want to dream about

    Asked by Ananya to Connor, Jillian, Lidunka, Sarah, Steven on 18 Jun 2015.
    • Photo: Steven Thomson

      Steven Thomson answered on 18 Jun 2015:

      Some people can choose what they dream about -it’s called ‘lucid dreaming’ and it can be done with practice. I used to be able to do it when I was younger. Mostly, though, dreams just happen almost at random and don’t mean anything.

      At least, I hope they don’t mean anything, because my dreams last night were really weird…

    • Photo: Jillian Scudder

      Jillian Scudder answered on 18 Jun 2015:

      You can sometimes guide your dreams if you’re conscious that you’re dreaming! It’s hard to start them off on a given topic, but often dreams can focus on something you’ve been thinking about during the day.
