• Question: Do you think mermaids are real?

    Asked by Shar37 to Connor, Jillian, Lidunka, Sarah, Steven on 18 Jun 2015.
    • Photo: Lidunka Vocadlo

      Lidunka Vocadlo answered on 18 Jun 2015:

      @Shar37 I’m afraid not. Nice idea though.

    • Photo: Jillian Scudder

      Jillian Scudder answered on 18 Jun 2015:

      We’re pretty sure the idea of mermaids came from manatees! Go google manatees and then try and figure out how drunk the sailors were when they came up with that one.

    • Photo: Steven Thomson

      Steven Thomson answered on 24 Jun 2015:

      There are a lot of places in the ocean we haven’t studied, and probably a lot of really weird new creatures out there, but I think mermaids are evolutionarily unlikely!

      It would be amazing if there was an intelligent species like that out there under the sea somewhere, but I think if they existed, they’d have made contact to ask us to stop polluting the oceans already.
