• Question: do you think that people will continue to get fatter

    Asked by shannon the salmon to Connor, Jillian, Lidunka, Sarah, Steven on 17 Jun 2015.
    • Photo: Lidunka Vocadlo

      Lidunka Vocadlo answered on 17 Jun 2015:

      @shannon the salmon people will certainly continue to get fatter if they don’t eat less and exercise. It is quite simple why people get fat – they consume more calories than they expend in activity. With cars and other transport taking us places, with the rise in seated recreation like TV and gaming, with the ready availability of fatty foods – it’s easy to see how it has happened. Fifty years ago people had less food available to them, played outside and walked miles to school. Of course there are some people who have a medical condition that makes it difficult to maintain a normal weight, but for most of us it is just having the willpower to eat less and exercise more. And that is really rather difficult.

    • Photo: Jillian Scudder

      Jillian Scudder answered on 17 Jun 2015:

      People might – or more people might wind up getting heavier. Right now a lot of obesity is tied to your diet, and if we get better at spreading our resources around it might be easier for a lot of people to eat more healthily! I hope this is how things go.

    • Photo: Steven Thomson

      Steven Thomson answered on 24 Jun 2015:

      I think that if people don’t stop eating, the world won’t be able to produce enough food for everybody – we’ll stop getting fat, alright, but we’ll all end up dying of starvation!

      I think obesity is a consequence of the world evolving faster than the people in it. We came up with all this great technology to mass-produce food that used to be rare and hard to get, and suddenly we could satisfy our bodies’ cravings with limitless unhealthy food. Now, though, we know a lot of food isn’t healthy and governments and people are trying to fix things. So I’m hopeful!
