• Question: do you think that the world will ever become too big for everyone to live on, but scientists will be able to make another planet liveable for humans to be able to live there; somehow!

    Asked by Naomi to Connor, Jillian, Lidunka, Sarah, Steven on 16 Jun 2015.
    • Photo: Steven Thomson

      Steven Thomson answered on 16 Jun 2015:

      Great question! Population growth is a real problem, and if the number of people on out planet keeps increasing at the current rate, we could reach a point where Earth can’t support everybody.

      In the future, it would be fantastic if we could colonise another planet. There are plans to send humans to Mars within our lifetimes, and with any luck a permanent base will be set up there. I think it’ll be a very long time indeed though before we have humans on other planets thriving as we do on Earth. We’ll also need to find more suitable planets too, and figure out how to travel to them.

      I definitely hope it will happen one day though!
