• Question: If there is earthquakes on the sun, then is the suns outer shell divided into different plates as well as the earth? (tectonic plates)

    Asked by M&H to Steven, Sarah, Lidunka, Jillian, Connor on 16 Jun 2015.
    • Photo: Jillian Scudder

      Jillian Scudder answered on 16 Jun 2015:

      The sun is a ball of gas, so there aren’t any solid structures like the Earth has for tectonic plates. The sun’s quakes have a totally different trigger – sometimes this can be a solar flare, which rattles the surface of the sun.

    • Photo: Lidunka Vocadlo

      Lidunka Vocadlo answered on 17 Jun 2015:

      @M&H in fact, the Earth is thinly planet in the solar system with plate tectonics! We live on a very special planet!
