• Question: What's your least favourite part of science? like, chemistry, physics, biology etc.?

    Asked by Hanjo to Connor, Jillian, Lidunka, Sarah, Steven on 14 Jun 2015.
    • Photo: Lidunka Vocadlo

      Lidunka Vocadlo answered on 14 Jun 2015:

      well I never got on with biology because there were too many things to remember (and I have an awful memory). And I never got interested in things like leaves. In my job now, the thing I like least that I do have to deal with is geochemistry – that’s a particular kind of chemistry that is all about radioactive decay measurements.

    • Photo: Jillian Scudder

      Jillian Scudder answered on 14 Jun 2015:

      I didn’t like dissections in biology. Not because I wasn’t learning (because I was), and not because I was queasy about the process, but just because it was making me very aware of how my own body was put together and that gave me a solid case of the jibblies. Mad props to biologists and doctors.

    • Photo: Steven Thomson

      Steven Thomson answered on 14 Jun 2015:

      I wouldn’t say I have a least favourite part of science these days – I love all of it and wish I knew more. The science I liked least at school, though, was biology – I was always good at maths, but biology had very little maths, so I didn’t find it very interesting.

      I regret that now – if I could change one thing about my school subject choices, I’d choose to study all of the sciences rather than focusing narrowly on maths and physics the way I did. No one science makes sense without all the other ones, so if you really want to understand the world around us, you need to have a good understanding of as much of science as you possibly can!

    • Photo: Connor Macrae

      Connor Macrae answered on 14 Jun 2015:

      Of the three main sciences, Chemistry is the topic I never really got on with. It was a personal thing, the topic just didn’t capture my interest like the others. It was somewhat similar with Biology, however I did enjoy the medical physics side that subject.

    • Photo: Sarah Beasley

      Sarah Beasley answered on 15 Jun 2015:

      It seems to be that biology is the common theme, and I’m the same. It always interested me least because, like Lidunka, I thought it was a lot of memorising stuff rather than solving problems.

      I’m glad there are people who are interested in it though, or we wouldn’t have any doctors looking after us!
